- Advance SQL Analytical Functions
- A/B Analysis on Streaming Data using MATCH_RECOGNIZE
- SQL ASOF join in Snowflake
- ASOF join in Snowflake
- ASOF Join — The “Do What I Mean” of the Database World
- NULL-safe GREATEST and LEAST now available in Snowflake
- RANGE Framing in Snowflake: Practical Examples
- RANGE Clause in Window Functions: Practical Examples
- RATIO_TO_REPORT with Aggregate Functions
- User Defined Aggregate Functions (UDAF) in Google Bigquery
- Applied overview of MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause
- Better than Average: Calculating Geometric Means Using SQL
- Calculating Geometric Mean of values in a column using SQL
- Color Schemes for Surface Plots
- Conditional True Event
- Correlated pattern definitions and Snowflake’s MATCH_RECOGNIZE
- Identifying expensive queries in Snowflake using credits_attributed_compute metric in query_attribution_history View
- CREATE OR ALTER TABLE syntax in Snowflake
- Data Metric Function in Snowflake
- Effectivity Satellite
- DECODE Function in Snowflake
- Find the latest reported values with ease using MAX_BY and MIN_BY aggregations
- How to Predict Customer Churn Using SQL Pattern Detection - MATCH_RECOGNIZE
- Association Rule Mining using MATCH_RECOGNIZE
- MAX_BY() and MIN_BY() with Window Function
- MAX_BY Analytical Function in Snowflake
- Null-safe comparison in Snowflake
- Perform joins on timeseries data using ASOF JOIN in Snowflake
- What’s eating up your Snowflake Virtual Warehouse? Using Skyline Query to identify badly written queries.
- RATIO_TO_REPORT in Snowflake
- Calculating percentages using RATIO_TO_REPORT
- Sessionization, or solving the Gaps-and-Islands Problem using RANGE_SESSIONIZE in Google BigQuery
- Sessionization, or solving the Gaps-and-Islands Problem using conditional_true_event
- Getting Foreign Keys on Tables in Snowflake
- Skyline or Pareto Front using SQL
- Skyline Query
- Skyline Query to identify problematic queries in Snowflake
- Support for ANY keyword in the Snowflake’s PIVOT IN list
- Split a column value into multiple columns based on delimiter using PIVOT
- Stock Analysis using MATCH_RECOGNIZE
- Searching for objects across Databases in Snowflake
- MAX_BY() aggregate function in Snowflake
- MATCH_RECOGNIZE and Data Vault Effectivity Satellite - Part II
- MATCH_RECOGNIZE and Data Vault Effectivity Satellite
- Using conditional_true_event to get a subset of data from timeseries data based on an event
- DECODE in SQL JOIN predicate
- What’s eating up your Snowflake Virtual Warehouse - Part II featuring MATCH_RECOGNIZE
- Data Wrangling in Snowflake using Python Anoymous Procedures